Projekt Wisłoujście

Weichselmünde 1577 – Gallery ENG

Wisłoujście 1577 is the fourth edition of the event organized by us, this time after „Wisłoujście 1628” we presented an episode of the war between Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with Gdańsk, and strictly: an attack on the Wisłoujście Fortress.

The reconstruction event took place on 6 July 2019 in the Wisłoujście Fortress – a branch of the Gdańsk Museum. The plot of the staging referred to the episode of the 2-year war with Gdańsk, caused by the refusal to recognize Stefan Batory’s election. In June 1577, 7,000 people took part in the siege, 4 thousand infantry and 22 cannons on the side of Commonwealth, on the side of Gdańsk 10 thousand. people under arms. Wisloujscie’s Fortress was supported by mercenary Scottish, German and Walloon troops and Danish fleet. Not seeing the possibility of a quick resolution, in September Batory ordered a retreat and limited himself to blocking Gdansk.

In 1577 the battle took place in a large area around the fortress: on the Gulf of Gdansk (support of the Danish fleet, landing of Polish troops on the beaches of Wisłoujście), on the Vistula (construction of an improvised bridge) and its west bank (Polish Army camp in present Brzeźno, artillery of Ernest Wejher in today’s Nowy Port), in the Aniołki and the Polski Hak. Today, the planning of reenactment in these places is not possible, most of the area is covered by urban, port and shipbuilding buildings.

The reenactment had to be limited to a smaller area, simultaneously select key moments from the siege of 1577. At the beginning we chose an army landing on the beaches and support of the Danish fleet, secondly attack on fortress by the artillery of Ernest Wejher  and footmen of Commonwealth – as a result of its operation in 1577, part of the fortifications and the tower of the Fortress collapsed. The battle was divided into three consecutive phases: an attempt of landing of Polish troops under the fortress; Pushing Gdańsk troops under the Fortress; Attack on the gate.  Inside the fort, there was craft market: a shoemaker’s factory, a barber’s lodge, writer, hatter, gunsmith, executioner, a small armory post and two available for visitors commander’s quarters

The event was supported by reenactment groups from Poland, Czech Republic and Spain: Związek Polski (Czech Republic), Don Juan Cabrones (Spain), Polish Haiduking Team, Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Braci Rycerskiej Malleus Maleficarum, Chorągiew Jakuba Wejhera, Wyjazdowy Konsulat Generalny Podlasia, Pospolite Ruszenie Szlachty Ziemi Krakowskiej, Stajnia Buńczuk, Smocza Kompania, Oddział Kasztelana Rawskiego, Rebel Regiment, Poczet Mikołaja Bieganowskiego, Projekt Rotella, Polish Regiment, Kompania Dragonów Starosty Lanckorońskiego Pana Zebrzydowskiego, Nadworna Chorągiew Dragońska Imci P.Zygmunta z Pleszowic Fredra Kasztelana Santockiego Starosty Krośnieńskiego, Podolski Regiment Odprzodowy, Grex Venalium, Kompania Kaperska, Stowarzyszenie Garnizon Gdańsk, Towarzystwo Szabli i Miecza, Regiment Kaszubski, Wolna Kompania Sarmacka, Towarzystwo św. Michala Archaniola, Swawolna Jednostka Wspierająca św Jerzy, Strzelców Rota Wojewody Sieradzkiego Hieronima Wierzbowskiego, Xiążęca Drużyna, Zamojska Grupa Rekonstrukcji Historycznej im. Jana Sobiepana Zamoyskiego (Sobiepany), CyvilBande Regiment, Kompania Czarnego Gryfa, Komputowa Chorągiew Stefana Czarnieckiego.

Thank you very much for participation and commitment! We will invite you again in next year and perhaps – in completely new event.


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